“Think Carefully About the Space,” Says Michael Gabellini on Creating a True Conversation Space In Your Home

September 2019

Gabellini Sheppard Associates Founding Partner Michael Gabellini was interviewed by Mansion Global about "Creating True Conversation Areas in Your Home"

“The best conversation areas work for the people sitting in them," said Gabellini. "They should make you feel at home and at ease whether you are with company or not.

In terms of the layout, looser asymmetry works for a more casual space and creates a sense of blended eclecticism. More formal, classic layouts work best for sophisticated entertaining. This allows for comfortable sociability and character.

If your intent is to create conversation, make sure everyone can arrange and rearrange their own comfort zone and sitting position. It’s very hard to have a conversation when everyone is leaning and lost in depths of deep upholstery, so opt for sofas that lets you sit upright enough to feel comfortable without making you feel self-conscious.”